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Achieving Goals

Productivity reflects the number of results

Measuring productivity is usually easy, which is why many focus on it. To do this, calculate the amount of results obtained for two identical time periods. For example, if you read two books in December and four in February, you were more productive in February.

Companies calculate productivity by comparing the results of employees, departments and divisions. If, for example, a company’s office in California earned $60,000 in a month, and the office in Florida earned $50,000, the former is considered more productive.

1. The main goal at this stage of life, no one can impose on us.

She comes from the heart. It is connected with what first of all spins in our dreams, with who we see ourselves in the future, with what we like to do in our free time, what our thoughts are occupied with before going to bed or during long trips.


2. Before deciding on a priority goal, you need to dream well.

Imagine your ideal day, paint your ideal life in every detail, feel the tastes, smells, sensations, see the surroundings. It is very important to use all the senses in dreams in order to form a clear visual and sensual image. Then it is very easy to understand what we really need.


3. Be sure to write down the goal and plan specific steps.

Record! Pen! On the paper! On electronic media is not enough. Planning electronically creates a mess in my head (at least for me). You need to paint all the steps, as detailed as possible. Because our movement consists of mini-steps, the cumulative effect of which eventually turns into a dream come true.


4. The recorded target must be in your immediate area at all times.

It is better to attach or put it in a conspicuous place (text, a picture associated with the goal, some gizmos, maybe) in order to remind the conscious and subconscious mind all the time in which direction you want to move.


5. You need to produce more than you consume.

And in the context of achieving goals, this means doing more and longer than you study or read various motivational literature (about the same achievement of goals, for example). Without the application of knowledge in practice, information accumulates and not always in a digested form. This causes a constant feeling of fatigue and a feeling of information overload, noise that does not allow you to think, generate ideas and look for beaten paths on the way to the goal. And in general, this mess in my head prevents me from living and sleeping peacefully, if anything.


6. It’s better to move with a support group.

It could be a marathon in a closed group on social media. networks, the so-called “hundred days”, interest groups, success teams or your own organized teams, which can even consist of at least two people. With someone you move much faster and more accurately, even if your goals are different. Support encourages, allows you to look at your situation from the outside and objectively. In addition, several people can help each other achieve goals, share experience, knowledge or even connections, if necessary.


7. Read books on business, motivation, self-development.

Of course, their motivating effect does not last very long. And besides, you can’t completely change your life and become a different person after reading one of these books. But you can write out for yourself a lot of new ideas and tools that, along the way, are applicable in practice right now. And, of course, such books give, although short in action, but a very strong charge of motivation in order to maintain a confident attitude to move on.


8. Support of loved ones.

This is ideal. But you should still not be shy to ask relatives for help if they can help in some way. If they don’t understand you at all, then you at least state the goal and put everyone in front of the fact that you have conceived this and that and are moving confidently towards this. And if they don’t help, at least they don’t distract and interfere as much as possible.


9. Daily selection.

Moving forward depends on daily choices and habits. At first, it will be difficult to somehow cram additional activities into your usual regime that advance towards the goal. And it is better to start small, but every day, in small steps, until new activities become a habit. Then you can increase the time and increase the speed of movement.
